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Agua, el mensajero. El agua cae, corre, infiltra, recoge, distribuye, da vida y puede tomarla también. Aprendemos cómo pacificar el agua y aprovecharla de la mejor manera en nuestros campos. Qué medidas existen y cuales son las mejores en qué circunstancia. ¿Cómo calcularlo?
El ser humano está destruyendo el ciclo del agua desde hace cientos de años con deforestación y técnicas de agricultura insostenibles, empujando la desertificación. Pero si invitamos el agua que se quede lo más tiempo posible en nuestros suelos podamos regenerar nuestros suelos y crear cultivos muy robustos, pero también rellenamos nuestros acuíferos y vamos a ver fuente, ríos y lagos abundantes en agua.
Podemos observar una fincas con su retención de agua en paisaje ya funcionando, otros en planificación.
Y vamos a crear juntos una zanja de infiltración.
We are happy to be back again with our cooking workshops, ( which we started in 2011 ) , now RAW Vegan.
Saturday, December 4, from 10am to 4pm
You will learn how to do vegan milk in a few minutes ( with best almonds and best water), different salads, sprouts, sweets, soups, raw bread and main dishes, like raw pizza and burgers.
It is limited to 10 persons, please book in advance as early as possible by email .
It will be hold by Hannes and Maria, Katya and Vova.
Languages will be as needed: English, Spanish, German, French, Ukranian
This is the first workshop in a series and will be continued in 2022.

Hola, we invite to a raw vegan potluck with music on Saturday November 20 from 12 am on.
Everybody is invited. Please bring some raw vegan food with you or give some donation, thank you!
Please register in advance on or by telegram: +34 633 503 113, places limited
Finca la Sacristia in Benaque near Rincon de la Victoria
In this workshop held by Daniel Stocker, coordinator of different permaculture projects in the Axarquia region of Malaga (Monte Alegre, Los Rosales…), you will learn everything about the fertility of the soil and how to create it at a minimum cost. Hot compost, static compost, worm compost, fermentations and compost tee.
by email:
by cell phone:
+34 / 661 420 391
+34 / 659 10 98 09
Sunday 05.04.2020 (11:00h – 14:00h)
Optional: Tour of the Sacristy farm and lunch (14:00h – 18:00h)*
- Opening of the course
- Theory
- What is the soil food web?
- How to identify the bugs?
- What are the „good guys and bad guys“?
- …
- Practical part
- Create a hot compost
- See the worm compost and static compost
- Theory
- Tour
- We show you the Finca Sacristia with its elements
- We explain some elements in datalle and their interconnection in the system.
- Nursery
- Dry toilet
- Food Forest
- Swales
- and more!
During the workshop we will serve you a very tasty organic vegan snack.
NOTE: Places are limited. Please make your reservation as soon as possible and keep yours!
INDICATIVE PRICES (all based on donations)
Tour of the Sacristy Farm: 35.-€
Workshop: 50.-€
Lunch: Feel free to give what you can!
This Workshop will be held in Spanish, please click here to go to the English Workshop…
En este taller impartido por Daniel Stocker, coordinador de diferentes proyectos de permacultura en la Axarquía malagueña (Monte Alegre, Los Rosales….), aprenderás todo sobre fertilidad de la tierra y como crearlo con un coste minimo. Compost caliente, compost estatico, compost de lombrizes, fermentaciones y Tee de compost.
por correo electrónico:
por móvil:
+34 / 661 420 391 (Daniel)
+34/ 659 10 98 09 (Rakel)
Domingo 28.03.2020 (11:00h – 14:00h)
Opcional: Tour por la finca Sacristía y almuerzo (14:00h – 18:00h)*
- Apertura del curso
- Teoría
- ¿Que es la red alimentaria del suelo?
- ¿Como identificar los bichos?
- ¿Cuales son los „buenos y malos“?
- …
- ¿Que es la red alimentaria del suelo?
- Parte práctica
- Crear un compost caliente
- Ver el compost de lombrizes y el compost statico
- Tour
- Os ensenamos la Finca Sacristia con sus elementos
- Os explicamos unos elementos en datalle y su interconexión en el sistema.
- Vivero
- Vater seco
- Bosque de alimentos
- Zanjas de infiltracion
- y mas!
- Os explicamos unos elementos en datalle y su interconexión en el sistema.
- Os ensenamos la Finca Sacristia con sus elementos
Durante el taller te serviremos un bocadillo vegano orgánico muy sabroso.
NOTA: Las plazas son limitadas. Por favor, haga su reserva lo antes posible y guarde la suya!
PRECIOS INDICATIVOS (todos basados en donaciones):
Tour por la finca Sacristía: 35.-€.
Taller: 50.-€.
Comida: Siéntase libre de dar lo que puedas!
Eco-experience on an inspiring sustainable farm
After a brief introduction about the educational day and the place that hosts it, the guide, a renowned Swiss permacultor and musician based in the Axarquia, will offer several tours/sessions that will introduce the visitor to the world of Permaculture and holistic design through the viewing of the different areas of Permaculture, water retention techniques in landscapes; creation of compost, etc.
The highlight of the day will undoubtedly be to share the impressions/reflections of the inspiring experience by tasting a vegetarian-vegan lunch with seasonal organic produce grown largely on the farm.
Meeting point: Benaque
Meeting time: 10:00 h
Dates available:
From February to June and from September to November
Promotion-Tour every 2nd Sunday of the month 65.-€
Promotion first year of private tours outside this date, from 5 people, for 89.-€ -call for availability-.
Languages: Spanish / English / German
Total duration: 6 hours
For the whole family
A day at a very inspiring permaculture farm full of unforgettable surprises for big, small and medium. Depending on the group (more beginners, professionals of the sector, with majority of adolescents or children) more or less demonstrative practices will be made, and, the theoretical explanatory part, will be more or less technical.
Good for the environment
This route of „slow tourism“ with small groups and in a rural environment of the Axarquia of Malaga, is designed to generate the minimum impact between the community of people who inhabit it, and the Nature around which they are hosted. In addition, all the food and gifts offered to the visitor are organically produced, vegan and as local and seasonal as possible.
Educational and environmental awareness tour
Seeing, hearing, touching, smelling and feeling why certain practices collaborate to take care of the planet, while we take care of people, will be an unforgettable sensory experience that will help us understand why we have reached the state of declared climate emergency and reflect on what we can do to reverse the situation in our daily lives; at home, school, work, holidays, etc.
„Learning with the 7 senses about Permaculture and its advantages for humans, their environment, and the next 7 generations“, is a sensory journey that immerses the visitor in an integral life project; an invitation to co-create a better future.
„Eco-Experience on an Inspiring Sustainable Permaculture Farm“, is without a doubt, a very inspiring educational route that will captivate and make us reflect on the simple solutions that we can implement in our daily lives – at home, at work or on the farm – to live more in tune with Nature; contributing, at the same time, to do our bit to reverse the state of climatic emergency and minimize our ecological footprint.
Through the explanation and vision of different regenerative practices -compost, edible forests, etc.-, techniques of water retention in the landscape -Swales- and recycling of grey water, the visitor will develop the 7th sense, -the capacity to recognize which practices and actions are in our hands and contribute to a better world; besides receiving a holistic formation in the world of Permaculture and sustainability.
Promotion 2nd Sunday of the month: 65.- € / adults (Min. 8 Persons)
Children under 5 years old are free,
10.- € / children 6 – 12,
50.- € / young people from 12 to 17 years old
Promotion first year of private tours at another date, from 5 people, for 89.-€ -call for availability-.
Possibility to organize transport to the space. Consult conditions
What it includes:
- Tour with small groups of minimum 5 to maximum 16 participants through a sustainable farm with explanations – training in Permaculture – and sensorial experiences.
- Tasting of fruits, products and wild/cultivated plants from the farm
- Vegetarian/Vegan Lunch
- A souvenir gift
- Didactic material
We would like to inform you that we are closing places this month to participate in a 6-month intensive PDC (Permacultural Design Cours), which is coordinated by our Daniel as a regular teacher.
Don’t miss this UNIQUE opportunity to deepen your knowledge of this holistic science from March to August in a very practical way with the help of a Swiss permacultor who has been coordinating several holistic Permaculture projects in the Axarquia region of Malaga for more than 6 years.
by email:
by cell phone:
+34 / 661 420 391
+34 / 659 10 98 09
Dear Friends we are very happy to announce that we got the possibility to start new interesting EU-formation projects on this March 2020.
This projects will speed up the development and we are looking forward
to new future events (cultural – eco – body and mind) where we can
welcome you and a lot of nice people from this year on.
From the beginning of March we will offer free 6-month ESF seminars in Alcaucin, Malaga – on – with the Academy of Cultures NRW:
Project assistance with EU certificate –
Practical learning projects – age does not matter
Motivation, independence and the ability to work in a team are prerequisites:
* Project management:
International cultural, media, educational and ecological projects: Organization, management and fundraising, marketing / PR / …
* Sustainable ecological permaculture design:
water retention, food forestry, eco-cultivation and harvesting, eco-construction, composting processes, renewable energy…
* Media Assistance – Online & Social Media in the EU:
webdesign / media production, radio, photo / video, online editing (coming august 2020)
The first week takes place in Germany, at the BOLA in Bochum, then for half a year in Spain. GO ON – FURTHER GOES – During the training period we will be happy to advise you on how to continue afterwards.
Time Schedule
The first week takes place in Germany, at the BOLA in Bochum, then for half a year in Spain. GO ON – FURTHER GOES – During the training period we will be happy to advise you on how to continue afterwards.
Phase A * Project management and * Permaculture design.
2-6 March 2020 Introduction at the educational institution BOLA in Bochum / Germany
7-15 March Time for travel and arrival in Malaga / Spain
16 March – 31 Aug 2020 Project time in Monte Alegre
Phase B *Project management, *Permaculture design, *Media assistance
8-12 June 2020 Introduction at the educational institution BOLA in Bochum / Germany
13-21 June Time for travel and arrival in Malaga / Spain
22 June – 22 Dec 2020 Project time in Monte Alegre
– Project seminar time: 2×3 hrs/day in between Siesta
– Seminar and action rooms indoor and outdoor
– optional common meals and leisure activities
– jointly organized shopping
– Cooking and eating during the siesta (approx. 2 hours)
– accommodation in tents, caravans or living quarters in the neighborhood
> Communication in German and English with language training in Spanish connects us with the intercultural environment in Andalusia.
> In everyday project life and in leisure time there are meditative, sensual and creative elements for the balance of body and mind, between activity, relaxation and reflection. Possible fields of experience: Relaxation techniques, sound/massage, yoga, movement, meditation, creative and music making, cinema, hiking, excursions to the coast, cities and nature parks, cooking together, …
> The lecturers see themselves as stimulators and companions of the processes, coordinating, deepening and broadening their knowledge in a practice-relevant way and helping to find solutions to difficulties and challenges that arise.
This basic formation is made possible with financial support from the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the European Social Fund. They are concluded with an EU certificate, which certifies successful participation and the acquired skills for subsequent applications. Recognition as internships is also possible.
If you are interested yourself or you know people who would like to participate … please inform and register quickly … the number of participants is limited and … there is a lot to organise for the start (material, rooms, travel, accommodation, lecturers …)
We look forward to committed co-designers of the projects.
Further information, advice and arrangements with Rechungpa Reinhard Kreckel: 0049 151 41479643 phone / messenger telegram or signal
Best regards and best wishes for a happy, healthy, creative and successful new decade of life :sunny:
Learn how to do a grey water treatment plant
This workshop will be held in Spanish. If you don’t speak Spanish, you’re very welcome to join our other course held in english here…
It’s possible to join the practical part only if this date fits you most!
(Please contact us if so)
Sunday 03.11.2019 (15:00h – 20:00h)
Optional: Sacristía Farm Tour and Lunch (11:00h – 15:00h)*
In this workshop held by Daniel Stocker, coordinator of different permaculture projects in and around the Axarquía in Málaga (Monte Alegre, Los Rosales…), you will learn all about grey water treatment plants. Ready to implement your own small wetland for your house hold. You will get the theory and the chance to get your hands on!
Learn how to do a grey water treatment plant
In this workshop held by Daniel Stocker, coordinator of different permaculture projects in and around the Axarquía in Málaga (Monte Alegre, Los Rosales…), you will learn all about grey water treatment plants. Ready to implement your own small wetland for your house hold. You will get the theory and the chance to get your hands on!
Sunday 20.10.2019 (15:00h – 20:00h)
Optional: Sacristía Farm Tour and Lunch (11:00h – 15:00h)

Course Dates:
27.07.2019 (10.00 – 18.00 h)
28.07.2019 (10.00 – 18.00 h)
Finca La Sacristia
29791 Benaque, Málaga
50 € per person
Course Leader:
Christian Hahn
Registration & Information:
+34 661 420 391
The number of participants is limited.
The transfer of the participation fee
secures the place.
The cost of participation on both days
for the event is 80 €.