Free 6 Month Permaculture Design Course

Startdatum: 2. März 2020
Enddatum: 22. Dezember 2020
Uhrzeit: 0:00 - 0:00
Ort: Monte Alegre, Alcaucin, Malaga


We would like to inform you that we are closing places this month to participate in a 6-month intensive PDC (Permacultural Design Cours), which is coordinated by our Daniel as a regular teacher.
Don’t miss this UNIQUE opportunity to deepen your knowledge of this holistic science from March to August in a very practical way with the help of a Swiss permacultor who has been coordinating several holistic Permaculture projects in the Axarquia region of Malaga for more than 6 years.


by email:

by cell phone:

+34 / 661 420 391
+34 / 659 10 98 09

Dear Friends we are very happy to announce that we got the possibility to start new interesting EU-formation projects on this March 2020.
This projects will speed up the development and we are looking forward to new future events (cultural – eco – body and mind) where we can welcome you and a lot of nice people from this year on.

From the beginning of March we will offer free 6-month ESF seminars in Alcaucin, Malaga – on – with the Academy of Cultures NRW:


Project assistance with EU certificate –

Practical learning projects – age does not matter
Motivation, independence and the ability to work in a team are prerequisites:

* Project management:
International cultural, media, educational and ecological projects: Organization, management and fundraising, marketing / PR / …

* Sustainable ecological permaculture design:
water retention, food forestry, eco-cultivation and harvesting, eco-construction, composting processes, renewable energy…

* Media Assistance – Online & Social Media in the EU:
webdesign / media production, radio, photo / video, online editing (coming august 2020)

The first week takes place in Germany, at the BOLA in Bochum, then for half a year in Spain. GO ON – FURTHER GOES – During the training period we will be happy to advise you on how to continue afterwards.

Time Schedule

The first week takes place in Germany, at the BOLA in Bochum, then for half a year in Spain. GO ON – FURTHER GOES – During the training period we will be happy to advise you on how to continue afterwards.

Phase A * Project management and * Permaculture design.

2-6 March 2020 Introduction at the educational institution BOLA in Bochum / Germany
7-15 March Time for travel and arrival in Malaga / Spain
16 March – 31 Aug 2020 Project time in Monte Alegre

Phase B *Project management, *Permaculture design, *Media assistance

8-12 June 2020 Introduction at the educational institution BOLA in Bochum / Germany
13-21 June Time for travel and arrival in Malaga / Spain
22 June – 22 Dec 2020 Project time in Monte Alegre

– Project seminar time: 2×3 hrs/day in between Siesta
– Seminar and action rooms indoor and outdoor
– optional common meals and leisure activities
– jointly organized shopping
– Cooking and eating during the siesta (approx. 2 hours)
– accommodation in tents, caravans or living quarters in the neighborhood

> Communication in German and English with language training in Spanish connects us with the intercultural environment in Andalusia.

> In everyday project life and in leisure time there are meditative, sensual and creative elements for the balance of body and mind, between activity, relaxation and reflection. Possible fields of experience: Relaxation techniques, sound/massage, yoga, movement, meditation, creative and music making, cinema, hiking, excursions to the coast, cities and nature parks, cooking together, …

> The lecturers see themselves as stimulators and companions of the processes, coordinating, deepening and broadening their knowledge in a practice-relevant way and helping to find solutions to difficulties and challenges that arise.

This basic formation is made possible with financial support from the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the European Social Fund. They are concluded with an EU certificate, which certifies successful participation and the acquired skills for subsequent applications. Recognition as internships is also possible.

If you are interested yourself or you know people who would like to participate … please inform and register quickly … the number of participants is limited and … there is a lot to organise for the start (material, rooms, travel, accommodation, lecturers …)

We look forward to committed co-designers of the projects.

Further information, advice and arrangements with Rechungpa Reinhard Kreckel: 0049 151 41479643 phone / messenger telegram or signal

Best regards and best wishes for a happy, healthy, creative and successful new decade of life :sunny: